I've just made a front page for the upcoming Kauai Buddhist Council 2018 Buddha Day Service Program. It took only a few minutes to combine all photos of the temples on one page but I had to spend a few days to try to find a picture of Moloaa Stupa from my collections of photos/video hard drives. There were about total of 27.5TB!!! No wonder it took days to go through all photos. I was so preoccupied with a thought I had some pictures of stupa but after all, I realized it would be much easier to go to Moloaa to take photos. Yes, a roundtrip to Moloaa was just a few hours, not for a few days.
At the last Sunday Service, I talked about a famous saying "You cannot see the wood for the trees." This experience became another good lesson that we should not stick to the old idea. It's better to be open to try new idea.
Yes, instead of looking for the past photos I took, I can always take another new photos. After going to Molaa, I gave up looking for other temples' photos from my hard drives. I just went to the temples and took some photos. They were actually better than old photos!