Our neighbor island, Oahu was visible clearly yesterday and today from the top of Lawai cemetery. I've lived here at Koloa for 18 years but this was my 2nd and 3rd time to see Oahu from Kauai.
The first time I saw Oahu from Koloa road was way back in 2011 and I was so moved that I took and sent my photograph to the Garden Island Paper. Since then, whenever I looked at the ocean, I always tried to find an Oahu. So I was very glad to see Oahu again with my naked eyes after such a long time.
By the way, did you know how far from Oahu to Kauai? 20 minutes flight away? Yes, it's true. But how many miles away from Oahu to Kauai? I was very curious and found an
interesting website called
"Distance Calculator" which tells distance between two places. If that is correct, the distance between Oahu and Kauai in a straight line is 95 miles or 152.86 km. Interestingly, it
explained more....such as a possible gasoline cost from Oahu to Kauai.
Let me quote...
"Gas cost estimates for this Oahu to Kauai trip If you were travelling in a vehicle that averaged 35 MPG and were paying $3.09 per gallon for your gas then the cost for a trip based upon an "estimated distance" of 114 drive miles from Oahu to Kauai * in gas would be in the region of $10.06 USD.
If you were driving a bigger vehicle that averaged 20 miles per gallon and were paying 3.09 per gallon for your gas then the cost for a road trip from Oahu to Kauai in gas would be around $17.61 USD.
If you were travelling in a super efficient car that averaged 60 miles per gallon and were paying 3.09 per gallon for your gas then the cost for this based on this estimate from Oahu to Kauai in gas would be around $5.87 USD.
If you averaged 50 mph, it would take around 2.32 hours to do the journey . Do bear in mind that this is based on an average speed!
source:Distance from Oahu, Hawaii to Kauai, Hawaii USA in Miles or Kilometers
https://www.distances-calculator.com/usa-distance-oahu-to-kauai.htm )
Anyway, that's the distance between Oahu and Kauai.
They say "Things come in three's!" So tomorrow might be another chance to see Oahu from here!
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