Yesterday, the 2011 documentary film titled "Aloha Buddha" was broadcasted via NGN channel. Have you watched it? I was shocked, because I just bought this DVD at JCCH (Japan Cultural Center of Hawaii) during the Seminar. It was $20. The reason I bought this was I wanted to have a movie-night to show this film to our members. But now movie-night may not be necessary because of the broadcasting, which was better than DVD....The DVD didn't have Japanese subtitles, but this TV program was fully Japanese subtitled and free, too!
But I didn't regret I bought this DVD, because when I was going to buy this, I regarded the purchasing of DVD could be a donation to JCCH. I was actually felt grateful that JCCH didn't charge us admissions during the recent seminar by Dr. George Tanabe. So I bought some other books, too, wishing that these purchasing can contribute a little to JCCH.
The idea of, "purchasing=donation," actually came from Bon Dance. Because Bon Dance is a good chance to raise funds, we try to sell as many products as possible and any profits of products are going to be donation. Before I knew this hidden meaning of donation, I was very tight. I never ate dinner at Bon Dance. I didn't allow my children to play games there at Bon Dance. I tried not to spend money except offering to the Buddha, called Gobutsuzen. But now we eat dinner at Bon Dances and I let my children play games there. I wouldn't say no, if they want Shave Ice! This was possible because I knew spending money at temples means making donation to them.
Now I am selling Dr. Tanabe's book, "Japanese Buddhist Temples in Hawaii" here at Koloa Jodo Mission. It's $20! Because I bought this book for $16.86 at, if you buy this book from Koloa Jodo Mission, this means you are making $3.14 donation to us. Please make a check payable to Koloa Jodo Mission if you want to buy this book.
By the way, if you are interested in watching "Aloha Buddha", please feel free to let me know. I can email you.
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mo (Friday, 11 January 2013 23:38)
I watched the movie with you in the Waimea Theatre, but I think movie night is a good idea. Let us know if you plan to show the film, I would like to see it again and think the members would enjoy it very much. Thanks
koloajodo (Saturday, 12 January 2013 10:42)
As always, thank you very much for your suggestion. I will plan to do it, but you can borrow DVD anytime, though. Thank you.