My 5yrs old daughter is now busy learning "hula" and "Tahitian Dance" under Kumu Leilani's Halau (class). She has a lesson here at Koloa, at Wailua, and now at Kapaa, because their Chirstmas Hula Concert is coming so soon.
This means my wife and I are busy, too, for taking her to the lessons here and there. In addition, we have a boy, who also make us busy! But this is not happning only to us, but to all parents, especially in December! I respcet all the parents!!!
In old Japanese, we call December as "Shiwasu(師走)" "Shi(師)" means "Reverend (Teacher)" and the character for "Wasu(走)" means " To run". "Shi-wasu(師走)" indicates such a busy month that even a minister has to run. So if you see me running or driving here and there, that's the very meaning of "Shiwasu."
By the way, I still have plenty tickets for the hula concert!!!!
If you're interested in going to the concert, please please please please let me know. It will be held at Kaua'i War Memorial Convention Hall on Sunday, December 16, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.
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