It's absolutely not good feeling....but there is time that it's better to smile. This is what we call "Niga-warai" or "Kusho" in Japanese, meaning a bitter smile.
This bitter smile is very common for Japanese who happens to meet a situation that there is no help for it. Again, it's not a good experience. But instead of blaming somebody or complaining about bad experience, we'd better accept it and we need to go forward the life. How? This is what I mean "Bitter Smile." By having a bitter smile, we can accept a bad situation.
Yesterday, as soon as I arrived at Kaua'i Care Center for performing a Buddhist service and entertainment, I noticed another program was already going on. Then I was notified they had a double booking!!!
"Oh no! Last Wednesday of the month should be my turn!" But, of course, they apologized and soon I realized...ok, this is Hawaii. Yes, they forget, I forget, too, and everybody forgets if there is no reminder!
I recalled...(I cannot tell you when and who)....but one time a principle of the school here completely forgot my appointment that college students from Japan was coming to perform entertainments at school. Even a principle forgets and Sensei (which is me!) also forgets, who can blame people for forgetting an appointment!!!
When I was about to leave, I just made a big bitter smile!
I wonder would you like to see it??? If yes, please cursor down! If no.....Have a good day!!!

Here is my bitter smile!!!
"What? Am I always showing this bitter smile to my wife?" (Bitter Smile!)
"NO Way!....only once in a while......I think."
Write a comment
myonnaise. (Friday, 24 May 2024 11:50)
I was just searching for bitter smile on how it looks like, found this, read it and found this kind of wholesome.. and also realise how old is this.. I wonder if the writer will realise and reply?
myonnaise. (Friday, 24 May 2024 11:51)
Woops two comments
Agasto (Saturday, 01 June 2024 01:49)
@myonnaise me too
Also, i miss this era of internet so much, love the blog