Some time ago, I happened to see a TV program that somebody was eating rice with avocado and gari (pickled ginger) together. I forgot it was she or he, but I was very impressed to hear its comment, "Oishiiiii (delicious)!!!!"
Although I declared I won't make Sushi on Sundays, I realized no sushi making on Sunday was too lazy for me. In addition, an extreme answer like this kind of declaration is not a Buddhist teaching which seeks for middle way or the harmony of the universe. I should have been careful.
So, I decided to continue to make Sushi when I can....This should be a right Buddhist attitude. By doing sometimes Sushi, sometimes no Sushi on Sundays, I can see the harmonious life.
Also, as I tried to explain in the blog yesterday, by making Sushi (positive) and sometimes no sushi (negative), I can have an answer of zero just like a simple calculation, 1 plus -1 = zero.
Anyway, if you are interested in the answer of the following equation,
Avocado + Ginger + Sushi Rice + Nori = ?
You are welcome to join in our Gyoki Service on this coming Sunday! You will probably get an answer after the refreshments!?

My sushi life here will continue with my missionary when I can!
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