Lately Internet connection was soooo bad here at Koloa. For me, bad connection meant no blog posts and no uploading videos, which made me decide upgrading higher speed modem from the service provider.
It was hard to tell whether Internet speed became faster or not after viewing some websites. However I noticed the difference instantly as soon as I uploaded a HD video to my youtube. I felt this upgrade was a good investment for the heavy internet-user like me. I'm going to upload more videos and more blog posts after coming back from Oahu.
By the way, I have a confession to make. This website is not an official site of Koloa Jodo Mission but my personal website for promoting Koloa Jodo Mission....since I personally pay my internet monthly fees and annual domain fee of this site. So there is a possibility that name of this website might be changed, as I might get new assignment in the future. But wherever I will be transferred to, I will remain to be its webmaster.
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