Today, I have a big confession and apology to make. My son and I broke two containers which I borrowed from Kapaa Jodo Mission last July. I actually borrowed five containers for making Ice blocks for Shave Ice to sell during our Bon Dance Festival.
Although we already had two containers here but in order to make more ice blocks in shorter time, I wanted to use more containers. We need 50 blocks every summer and it takes at least 1.5 days for water in a big container be an ice block. The more containers we have, the less days we can spend to make ice.
As I went back and forth to Kapaa Jodo Mission this year, I happened to see lots of ice blocks stored in the freezers at Kapaa Jodo. Then I had an idea to borrow containers. I found out Mr. Stanley Doi made Ice blocks and asked him to borrow containers. I thought I was lucky to be a minister of two temples.
Then I started to make Ice with seven containers at a time at Koloa. Yes, I had more containers....so I had my son to help taking Ice blocks from the containers, one by one. Shockingly, first, my son dropped an Ice block with an container on the table. I didn't see it but I heard the sound of something dropped.
Then I saw a broken container.
"Hey ,you!"
Immediately I shouted loud.
I think you cannot imagine how angry I became. Maybe this was the most upset moment for my life here. As soon as I shouted, I scolded my son hardest.
"What are you doing! How can you break a container I borrowed. You, Baka-tare!!!"
I'm sure my son was so scared because my voice was very loud at that moment. Also I repeated "Baka-tare (I should not translate this into English) many times.
But of course, what's done is done. It is no use crying over spilt milk. I had my son promise to help me more.
Then, to my biggest surprise, I broke a container next!
It was actually not me but pouring water broke the container. But it was too late.
"Ohhhhhh my!"
I shouted and I realized I broke a precious container.
Now it was my son's turn to scold me.
"Hey Dad!"
He continued, "Can you explain what happened? You must be baka-tare, right?"
"Yeah....... I'm sorry. I'm baka-tare. I have nothing but apology to Kapaa Jodo Mission."
"I'm sorry? Is that all? When I broke it, you were sooooo mad and scolded me soooo hard. But when you did it, you just said sorry. It's not fair!"
My teenage son actually repeated, "It's not fair."
Yes, he was right. I realized it was not fair, either. But I had a different viewpoint of "fair."
So I told him,
"That's very right. This was not fair. But remember this world is not fair, either. That's a universal law. People tend to misunderstand it's supposed to be fair. But it is actually never fair from the moment of the birth. Some are not healthy from the moment of births. Some are handsome from the beginning. Some are rich, but some are not. So don't forget "it's not fair."
I know it may sound excuse but I think we'd better realize "it's not fair" all the time. I think "fair" is more like "gift." And because it is a gift we can seek for the gift of what is fair. This way we can have a better understanding of life and we can have less complains and dissatisfactions about fair. And when we happen to see it's fair, we can be more appreciative."
I thought I had a good chance to explain the teaching of "It's not fair."
However, I still have a job to apologize and now I realize this apology should be more improtant that the teaching! It's pretty belated but I'd like to apologize sincerly for breaking two containers.
If you know better containers I can get, please let me know. I'd very much appreciate your help to get some containers for making ice for the shave ice next year.
Just as a reminder, our 2016 Bon Dance will be held at Koloa Jodo Mission on Friday and Saturday, July 29 & 30, 2016!
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