Sometimes in the evening, there is a heavy trafic jam toward west side near KCC, expecially the place where right lane merges left.
If that is the case, I think driving right lane is much faster. Also in front of Waipouli Resort, there are two lanes going to the east. Right lane is also faster....although it looks unfair.....like cutting in line.
Is this just happening? In many countries, right is superior than left. In Japan, too, right is more respected than left and demotion or relegation is called "Sasen" which literally means "moving to the left."
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Colleen (Saturday, 25 July 2015 20:08)
I believe the term for those in the right lane is "grasshoppers" while the left lane drivers are "ants". Do you know that story about the grasshopper and ants? Try googling it. Several years ago this same lane situation existed on Kuhio Hwy. going towards Kapaa. This was before they built the extra lane. People would take the right lane to cut in line and there was an article in the Garden Island about these "grasshoppers". *LOL*
Almost time to get ready for your bon dance tonight!
Kosen (Saturday, 01 August 2015 14:48)
Aloha Colleen-san,
Thank you very much for your comments. It is always very nice to know new words and their meanings. I haven't checked the article yet but it sounds so interesting. I thought I was one of ants but as for traffic, I was one of grasshoppers.