Six members of Panel Theater Dendenmushi of Shukutoku University in Chiba, Japan, are now staying here on Kauai and I've enjoyed taking care of them around the Island from early morning
to night.
They are volunteer group to perform "Panel Theater" at various schools and nursing homes.
Yesterday, we went to Koloa Early School and Kaua'i Care Center at Waimea. And today, we are going to perform at Koloa Head Start and Koloa School! Their performance was
very unique and well received. I believe lots of children will enjoy them today, too.
Then what is Panel Theater? Are you interested?
Well....... it's already about time to leave. I have to go to pick them up at hotel in Kapaa. So pease watch a video clip (attached below) I took yesterday...in
order to know what is Panel Theater. I'm too lazy and busy this time!!! But I'm sure seeing is believing. The video may be much better than my
I hope you all have a good day and Aloooooha!
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