Yesterday I spent some time to spray the weeds with Eliminator. Because I forgot to sell almost all plants during the Bon Dance, I am now holding more than enough plants. I moved all pots and then sprayed the weeds.
But there was one place.....I couldn't do anything. I was very surprised to see.....

Wow! It's like a jungle.
I think very few members know this mess because this is behind the house where visitors cannot see.
During the past months, I was both very busy and very lazy. The temple ground is about one acre. I spent lots of time to clean the area where visitors could see but I did almost nothing around the area where visitors cannot see....just like my office.
As a result, the weeds became bush and then have become jungle without knowing it.
This was of course my fault.
However, I've found there is one good thing about having a jungle here.
It's a source of challenge spirit.
Because I have a problem, I can have a possibility to solve it. It stimulates my challenge sprits and I could have a reward.
The reward is a sense of accomplishment. Without having problems, of course, there is no chance to solve it. But if I have a problem, I'll have a chance to solve it and I could be a winner!
The bigger the problem is , the bigger the victory I'll have.
Of course, there is a possibility that I might be the loser to the problem.
However, whenever I face my problem, I understand it...this is a chance.
I am now very excited to have a chance to fight with this jungle in the very near future.
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