Last night, we returned to Koloa from Oahu where we spent very good time for workshop and vacation. It was my regret that I couldn't send out greeting cards before Christmas but I sincerely wish you and your family to have a Merry Christmas today.
Last year, when I said "Merry Christmas" to some Japanese friends, I was asked, "Is it Ok for a Buddhist priest to say "Merry Christmas"?"
I sometimes hear Japanese ask this kind of question. I think this is because many people in Japan actually believe that Buddhists cannot celebrate Christmas.
My answer is quite opposite,
"Why Not! Because we are Buddhists, we can celebrate Christmas. "
Buddhist compassion and love are supposed to be so huge... we should be happy when others are happy.
Once again, Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
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Gary Link (Thursday, 26 December 2013 04:54)
Merry Christmans Ishikawa Sensei and the best to you and your family in the New Year.
Kosen (Thursday, 26 December 2013 20:18)
Thank you very much for your comment. Happy New Year and Best Wishes, too, to you and your family.