Water Lily is called "Suiren" in Japanese.
"Suiren" which is written as "睡蓮" in Chinese characters,
means "sleeping lotus."
Yes, it does look like lotus and because it closes flower every night, it is just like water lily can sleep at night. And every morning, water lily can wake up by opening the flower.
That is why it is called "Suiren" meaning "sleepign lotus. For me, it's interesting that it is called "lily" in English.
It usually repeats opening and closing the flower for four days, but I knew flower blooms differently every day.

I have lived here on Kauai for almost 14 years and I sometimes think Kauai is like Pure Land.
Not like Japan, it's not too hot in summer and it's not too cold in winter. There is little natural disasters. And various kinds of flowers bloom everyday! There is no place like Kauai.
But at the same time, because it's like Pure Land, people here are not so interested in the Pure Land.
Today and tomorrow, I will take my days off to enjoy this pure land on earth with my kids. It is my last chance to play with kids during the fall break.
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