Since I came back from Japan in August,
I've had some problems one after another.
PC was broken, router was broken,
and the biggest problem I had this month,
was my external 3TB Hard Disk Drive was broken all of a sudden.
This was supposed to be a backup drive but this trouble happened during I was transferring all the data to the new PC.
I spent so much time to try reactivation of the HDD and tried to find the way to recover the data.
What I found was,
the HDD company (Seagate) can replace the product because this was under warranty. They can fix it like new but they don't recover the data. They were responsible just for the hardware.
In order to recover the digital data from the broken HDD,
I have to send it to the special repairing company which might be very expensive.
Now I want you to be re-aware of the importance of backup's backup. Did you backup your important digital pictures? I think It's better to backup your backup. Digital data are known to deteriorate over time. Digital datas does not last long like paper.
When they started to sell portable HDD, I remember their warranty was 5 years. But now most of the HDD products' warranty are only two years. This indicates that they are not confident to keep digital data alive for a long time.
What an irony! Ancient people were able to leave their cultures such as architectural structures, paintings and writings(books) for hundreds of years but modern technology, buildings, electrical products and especially digital data would not last long.
Then what is the advantage of modern technology? I think that's "to share." To share digital data with many people so easily simultaneously is the advantage. By sharing what I have with other people, that could be a wonderful backup. Once they are shared, even if one person lost a data, other people can backup...
So I am going to upload many pictures and movies to my youtubue and flickr sites. By sharing these digital images online, I am hoping some people can enjoy them. At the same time, uploaded images could be my backup's backup.
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