I'm always thinking how to reuse the things not only for trying to save money but also for the inspiration of how to get new ideas.
But of course, "the idea itself of reusing" is not mine but our human beings'.
The great cultural movement of "Renaissance" was, in a sense, born by the idea of reusing the old cultures of Greek and Roman. And a Novel Prize Winner, Professor Shinya Yamanaka's discovery of iPS cells was also, in a sense, based upon the idea of reusing of stem cells.
So I believe the idea of reusing or recycling can be a great source of cultures and a keyword for the future.

We, people in Hawaii, are very lucky because we can see various ideas of reusing because many people from many different cultures have brought ideas and they were mixed with Hawaiian culture.
For example, this is a dust pan which was homemade out of a metal container, displayed at Koloa Plantation Day. I think many old people are familiar with this but here at Koloa Jodo Mission, we have four of this kinds and still using them.

This is my favoraite dust pan which was made by Uncle Murashi. Since I'm using this everyday for nearly 14 years, I did miss it when I did yard work at my father's temple in Japan. So I'm trying to go with this dust pan whenever I go cleaning if it's on Kauai.

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